Wood Borer Control
#1 Wood Borer treatment Service

WOOD BORER inspection
Our professional team will check your property. Our specialist will determine the type of Wood Borer infesting your property, what caused it and other variables.

Our highly trained staff is here to assist you in finding the most efficient Wood Borer solutions that are specifically designed to meet your needs.

WOOD BORER Ongoing Prevention
Our devoted customer service team will handle your inquiries and concerns, as well as our Grievance Redressal Policy, Service Warranty.
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Wood borer SERVICE

Wood Borer are tough to get rid of and require particular training and understanding in the topic to be efficient in treating the infestation. If you’re serious about getting rid of Wood Borer once and for all, you should hire a professional. The Wood Borer services provided by IPM are more effective than those provided by other pest control organisations (PCOs) since our operators are trained to recognise the indicators of a Wood Borer infestation.
Does white/yellowish powder appear in your wooden cupboards/cabinets and their drawers on a daily basis, and does it reappear the next day despite your best efforts to clean it?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, you most certainly have a problem with Wood-borers.
They are small beetles called Powder Post Beetles that eat a lot of wood as larvae. They make pin-sized holes on the surface of wooden furniture or other things when they emerge. When you look at wood, you will see small holes. These are the exit holes where the adult wood borer has gone. The yellow powder (Yellow Dust) starts coming out of these small holes. This shows that borers are destroying wood inside the core of the wood because these are inside feeders. They get their food from the cell contents in the sap wood. While they are eating, they make tunnels and become pupae inside the wood. Insects like Borers or Powder Post Beetles eat wood that has been partially or completely dried out. They can also eat wood that has about 10% moisture. (i.e. in a near-dry state).
The beetles are most active between March and April and then decline in activity until November. They attack largely unseasoned wood used in furniture such as beds, dining tables, computer tables, and wooden cabinets.
How can I tell whether my home is wood borer-infested?
- Newly formed exit holes in woodwork will have a round or oval shape and sharp edges, giving the impression that the holes have just been created.
- Bore dust – (often known as frass) produced by emerging adult beetles; typically visible beneath afflicted wood.
- Wood that is crumbling, typically along the edges or corners of roof joists or trusses.
- Beetles that have died can frequently be discovered in close proximity to contaminated wood or on neighbouring window sills.
- Adult beetles can be seen crawling out of decaying wood between the months of May and October.
- Eggs are a challenge to see with the naked eye and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the species of beetle.
- Larvae of wood-boring insects are often a creamy white colour and have a curled form.

Why are wood borer such a threat?
Wood-boring beetles have the potential to damage the structural soundness of homes, buildings, and other types of furniture if they are not managed effectively. How is it that such small bugs can do so much destruction? Because if you don’t know the indicators, there’s a chance you’ll never realise they’re there, even though they might be steadily eating away at the wood for months or even years. It is important to keep in mind, however, that wood-boring beetles do not find all types of wood to be appealing, and that various species of wood-boring beetle will actually look for distinct and very specialised types of wood.
Keep an eye out for these two symptoms of a wood-boring beetle infestation so that you may identify the pests and stop them from causing damage to your house and property or preventing more damage from occurring.

India’s Most Trusted Pest Control Company
Wood Borer Control
Wood borers may be controlled in a variety of ways and using a variety of solutions (commonly known as wood worms). The optimal treatment strategy is determined by a variety of considerations, including the severity of the infestation, the location of the infestation, the likelihood of a re-infestation, and the cost of treatment. Wood borers and Powder Post Beetles do slow and gradual damage to wood, giving you plenty of time to make a decision on how to deal with them.
Measures to keep everything in check
With the help of a syringe, wood preservative chemicals are injected into these tiny exit holes. Larvae are the only ones that do damage to the wood, so only larvae are the target.
Pesticides that have a petroleum base are also put on the wood surface. These residual pesticides will stop the current infestation and keep new pests away from your wooden furniture if they find their way there.
Wood Borer treatment cost?
We, as professionals, engage into an annual contract with the customer for one year, during which three periodical services are performed with an extended guarantee of another year on top of that. Homeowners are just asked to clear out and isolate the contaminated wooden piece for a day or two, which is not a significant amount of effort. The cost of treatment is determined by the volume of wood that has to be treated as well as the intensity of the infestation.
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